Sunday, July 18, 2010

a turkish picnic

it has been a long disastrous week. Monday starting off with me and my dance partner falling flat on our asses in front of a whole crowd. and it was only the second number . we had too get through a whole show together. no ,i was not happy and yes ,i was cussing him through my teeth. but he did previously apologise in his Russian accent after. so all is forgiven. then we had a children's show where i was dressed in a luminous green and yellow penguin suit - yes- playing a "curious penguin" do you know how much water you loose in such a suit when it is 28 degrees at night? and the week ended off with me almost scuffing a broom up a Turkish doos's ass. he told me too shut up. and as you know i do not respond well too people who hush me inappropriately.

my legs are still the same and not healing properly.

so this day off was much needed.after a long bus ride we arrived at a picnic spot in Alanya. and it absolutely took my breath away. was in the mountains with streams and waterfalls.

i was not brave enough though too get into the water , if i want cold water i will go swim in cape town. but all in all the day was a good one . filled with reading, eating and normalness for a change. the days are starting to get long and the nights very lonely.but i calm myself with memories of Africa and what is waiting for me back home. a new job ,a new life too start, a new dream. the song inside my heart can make dreams come true and i will be singing that song "uit volle bors" once again soon.
so i leave you with this..
we don't know where we were before we came too this world . we don't know where we will go once we leave it. some say we'll grow wise if we contemplate this mystery. perhaps though we will just go crazy. forced with the inexplicable how can any of our actions have a purpose? does it matter if we do what we want? give up whenever we want? but it does matter. when we respect eachoter and show compassion and sensitivity we become kind and wise. and that gives our lives meaning.

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