Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Some say that he has no understanding of clouds, and that his ear wax tastes like Turkish delight.

you know when you are so excited about something you feel like crying and laughing at the same time? i do. i really do. a few months ago my dad surprised us with Top gear tickets, for those of you who don't know who Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond are.toss off and put on your televisions. I even have the Sub Zero magnets on my fridge.
Now as you know the devil was waiting to pull the "happy time" rug from underneath me and now our flights to Johannesburg are booked for Sunday night at 8:40.Top gear starts at 6:00. Balls. Now what can you do? just smile and ever so slightly just think up swear words in your mind. sigh.

here's to all of you lucky buggers getting to spend a few hours with comic geniuses and the best British entertainment there is to offer.if i was a sense of humor i would have loved to belong to one of those three.. cheers.

"some say he only knows two facts about ducks- and they're both wrong" - all we know is he's called the stig.

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