Wednesday, September 30, 2015


I have come to realize that after surviving this year, not much can shake me anymore. i have learned the necessity of just being in survival mode and I have been fundamentally changed within my being, gained a few scars and bruises and swallowed some sand. To understand cruelty, to really grasp the magnitude of it, you need to break in order to survive it.

but today.

today I realized why i love children. why i prefer the company of  a child and what a child can teach me, a grown up, about circumstances and life.

there's no romance in a scar, it is a reminder of the mark left by black holes.

as a radio presenter you have certain privileges, and today one of my privileges was to visit the red cross children's hospital, the burn unit, to hand out teddy bears. some people do it for the shine, to put on a mask and let the world see " the good side of them".


I love children. To make a child laugh is my greatest pleasure and gift.
The potent honesty of a child would make a grown man cry.

As I walked in, putting on the gown, mask and washing my hands,I came to the realization that this is their reality, plastic covered visitors.

 a little girl grabbed my attention immediately, she reminded me so much of a little girl whom I cared for so much in a previous life., we started up a conversation her confidence and ease made me feel peaceful in a somewhat uncomfortable situation, her body covered in raw skin and nothing but a blanket.
her school dress caught fire.

she looked at me and said: " jy is so mooi"

I stood there, not knowing what to reply. so I  told the little girl, that I too have scars, and i showed her my story, reassuring her that the best people have scars. it's our story. what we have overcome, what we are still yet to be. what we are made of.

she looked up at me and said.." so, ek gaan ook so mooi wees eendag"

as I was walking out , she called me back, kissed me on the cheek and created a memory that I will carry with me forever. i have been on the ledge a few times, standing there waiting for a reason or someone to talk me down, and now I have a reason, whenever I feel like jumping , I will remember this little girl.

today, she made me understand why I have scars, that they will always be a part of who I am, and that I must celebrate that, because one day i will find someone, who understands and appreciates my scars and who will stitch me back together.


You're setting off
It's time to go, the engine's running
My mind is lost
We always knew this day was coming
And now it's more frightening than it's ever going to be
We grow apart
I watch you on the red horizon
Your lion's heart
Will protect you under stormy skies

And I will always be listening for your laughter and your tears
And as soon as I can hold you once again

I won't let go of you, I swear

We lived through scars this time
But I've made up my mind

We can't leave us behind anymore

Your hands are cold
Your lips are turning blue, you're shaking

This fragile heart

So heavy in my chest is breaking
And in the dark, you try to make a payphone call to me
But you're miles away
You're breaking up, you're on your own
It's hard to take
I need an hour just to say hello

But I can't make the truth of this work out for you or me

And for all the pennies in your pocket,
We barely get a second just to speak

We lived through scars this time
But I've made up my mind
We can't leave us behind anymore
We'll have to hurt for now
But next time there's no doubt
'Cause I can't go without you anymore

We lived through scars this time

James bay- scars.

1 comment:

  1. “Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real.”
    ― Cormac McCarthy
