listening to some music after yet another tormenting day in Turkey. when people start slamming doors in my face because i leave my soap on the floor in the mother fucking shower. that grates my carrot. grow a pair and grow up. now get out of my face you curly head idiot.
back too my music epiphany before i went ranting . have you realised how a certain song can take you back to an exact feeling,time and space? for example if i ever hear the
macarena or hush -hush by the pussy cat dolls i will ran away screaming and probably spend the next 20 years in a asylum not yet invented for the intensely disturbed. its like when you were a kid and at some stage you ate too much of something and spend the night looking down the white
porcelain pony. NEVER-AGAIN..
music takes you to a movie like walking down the street with your
ipod or whatever futuristic looking thing in your ears making you
partially deaf before 30. as i sit here reflecting on some life changing songs all the memories
come back. no i am not crying tosser.
when i listen to crunch granola sweet - Good lord will always remember the waterfront theatre school, show class and how we use too laugh and get psyched for the show.
the movie in my mind from miss
Saigon was the first song i ever sang out loud
in front of someone and that person happened to change my life and he is still a big part of my life till this day and always will be - mister
Jeremy quickfall. all the swearing paid off.
aking- the dance- on
wich i had my first car accident that changed my life was the most horrific night of my life but i learned a
valuble lesson.
heuwels playing in Sadie as i drove pine (Andre) back to cape town after dropping lilac at the airport it was probably not the best time telling him about all my car episodes no wonder he was so quiet and his hands white from gripping the seat belt the whole way. that day i could remember the sense of belonging i had.
then there is the Oasis song
wonderwall, i had the great privilege of seeing this bad perform and it was also the first time i met Liam and got to know
Rudi a little better. i was instantly drawn to both of them(one more than the other) that turned out yes well..i made two
beautiful friends..
then there was dancing in a bedroom by candle light on TV on the radio- family tree..or singing lion king - i just cant wait to be king 4 in the morning in my white
daihutsu. just because we can.
but then it can also take you too a place that you want to escape. in an instant when you let your guard down it creeps in without making a sound and hangs you by the ankles.
it stings none the less.
when the family drove their separate ways after another African holiday the 4x4's fresh with the African dirt and still smelling of the lion we saw the day before,my aunt started, playing "time to say Goodbye" by Andrea
bocelli and Sarah
brightman over the portable radios..we all teared up saying we will see each other soon. but what hurts the most is that ,that was the last time our family was complete and not torn apart, it was the last
tim ewe were all was the last time we experienced the African sunsets or hearing the cry yelping of a
jakkals being chased by a cheetah past you..
blah blah blah..
my point is there are so many break up songs, never get over you songs,songs of appreciation,understanding songs of hope in the compartments of your brain..Local. international.
dronk liedtjies,
langs die pad
my dad and my aunt have this thing when the wine has been flowing (
pienk wyn because we are classy like that) they get out the Edith Piaf, the willy nelson,the Golden oldies and play the van
Zyl quiz game. who is this artist?when- where-how?interesting
doesn't make sense facts. and it has become a family tradition with me falling asleep to Uriah heap or old Jethro sometimes. and this is a tradition that i will carry on through generations . this is what memories are made of. music is life.